A complete introduction into the Blueprint module will be given here in a later post. For now, two small examples will show, how easy it is to construct objects (i.e. blueprint objects) for your unit-tests. We use the class description and a configuration as a blueprint to construct an actual object, which is ready to be used in the test-case.
final NameDTO name = Blueprint.random().with("gender", Gender.Male).construct(NameDTO.class);
final Address address = Blueprint.def().with(String.class, "Default").with("zipCode", 12345L).construct(Address.class);
As you can see, Blueprint contains two default configurations, which either fill all attributes using default or random values. Basically, Blueprint will walk the object tree and fill all attributes with default values specified by the current configuration. Therefore, you won't get any NullPointerExceptions in your test-cases, as all attributes are filled with values. You have to define only those values on which your functional test-case actually depends. Everything else is handled by blueprint.
If you have questions regarding Blueprint, drop me a mail. A more lengthy introduction will follow soon. So far, best is you simply try it out.
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